Who We Are


Ya'ateeh. C 4Ever Green is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that calls the Utah portion of Diné Bikéyah our home. Our mission is to encourage cross-cultural practices for sustainable living, beginning with our homes. C 4Ever Green was established to bring awareness of the ongoing illegal dumping and burning of trash and how this affects our natural resources, our range land, endangering our farming areas, Indigenous food, medicinal and ceremonial plants, and our health. 

Our efforts are ongoing to uphold our mission to protect our invaluable resources and fight against cognitive dissonance. We encourage land advocacy and foster healing through our traditional understanding of Hózhó náhásdlíí’. A collective voice is more vital than a single voice.

Willie Grayeyes - Board Chair

Mary R. Benally - Secretary/Treasurer

Coming Soon

Andrea Lameman - Vice Chair

Alą́ąji’ Sizíinii

Board Members

C 4Ever Green is led by an all-Indigenous three-member Board of Directors. Each member is from a different San Juan County, Utah, Navajo Nation community and is diverse in generational representation, including profession. The Board upholds and honors its traditional philosophies and values as guiding principles. 

The Board recommends and appoints new members.

Coming Soon